Disclaimer: Brainstay does not contain medical advice. The medical information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical advice and readers should always consult with their doctors.
Over 80% of the population in America has HPV. The vast majority of hosts for the virus never even know that they have it. This is because they don’t show symptoms and 90% of people clear the virus in under 2 years.
If you’ve arrived at this page, odds are that you have one of the strains that is sexually transmitted and causing you visible symptoms in the form of genital warts. This science-backed protocol is designed to help you get rid of HPV warts fast. Please note that this is only for those with external warts that can be treated topically. It will also work for non-genital warts elsewhere on the body.
Step 1 – 2-4 day fast to reset immune cells
Step 2 – Get into ketosis before fasting (Optional, but highly recommended)
Step 3 – Post-fast diet
Step 4 – Immune boosting medications and supplements
Step 5 – Topical treatments
Step 6 – Lifestyle modifications
Step 6 – The endgame
There is a TL;DR version under each step and all of them together at the very bottom of the article.
Step 1 – 2-4 day fast
Fast for 2-4 days to regenerate your immune system by recycling old white blood cells. The more days the better.
If you have done much research on HPV, you will know that the majority of the sexually active population has some form the human papillomavirus. There are many different strains with broad ranging effects. Some cause cervical cancer or venereal warts, while others do absolutely nothing in terms of tangible symptoms.
Among those who contract a strain that causes tangible symptoms, many do not show any signs of the infection like warts. They then clear the virus without ever having any idea that they had it in the first place. So, what’s the difference between the people who get warts and those who don’t? The answer lies within the immune system.
Many have an immune system that is simply able to fend off the virus before it’s able to create warts. It doesn’t necessarily mean these people have a stronger immune system, but rather that there’s is more apt at recognizing and clearing this particular virus. Alternatively, it is possible that the unlucky recipient does in fact have a weak immune system. Immunocompromised individuals such as those with HIV or alcoholics are at a significantly higher risk for contracting HPV and developing warts. Either way, in order to get rid of HPV, you need either need to bolster your immune system, or make sure that your immune system is recognizing the virus exists.
The University of Southern California conducted a study in 2018 that showed that fasting for two to four days can regenerate the entire immune system. Essentially, when you fast, your body begins to eat itself for energy. As mentioned in the previous step, it switches to burning primarily fat as energy. This isn’t the only energy source it turns to, however.
The body also begins burning skeletal muscle and whatever else it can turn into glucose for the few body processes that cannot run purely on fat, like parts of the brain. When it does this, it breaks down cells that are damaged before healthy ones through a process called autophagy.
Researchers found that during fasting the body begins to break down a part of the immune system called white blood cells. These are responsible for finding and eliminating various threats to the human body. Once they’ve found a threat, they remember that threat for a period of time. This is important to remember in what happens next.
USC found that the total white blood cell count will drop significantly during this fasted period, weakening the immune system temporarily. Upon the cessation of the fast, the white blood cell count skyrocketed as shiny and strong new cells are created. These new WBC’s very importantly have no memory of old foreign invader bacteria and viruses. Thus, by fasting, you’ve created a newer, stronger immune system, that’s better able to find and destroy the HPV virus.
Fasting isn’t fun, but if you get into ketosis prior to doing the fast, it’s relatively painless. This is optional, but if you find you’re having difficulty clearing the virus, go for it.
Step 2 – Get into ketosis prior to fasting (Optional, but highly recommended)
Get into ketosis before fasting to prime your body to run on it’s own body fat and make fasting easier.
The ketogenic diet is fairly well known in popular culture at this point for its ability to reduce hunger, in turn helping shed body fat. That’s not why we’re using it here, though. Entering ketosis is very simple. Just eat less than 20 grams of carbohydrate per day. After 2-4 days, you will be in ketosis.
As a part of this protocol, getting into ketosis serves one particular purpose. That purpose is to make step 1 significantly easier. You can skip this step if you want, but it’ll make fasting more difficult. Here’s why.
As a person’s body enters a state of nutritional ketosis, they begin to use free fatty acids and ketone bodies as their primary energy substrate. On a higher carbohydrate diet, a person’s body runs primarily off of glucose. This is a big shift for most people. One that requires their body to upregulate a host of metabolic machinery that’s required for them to burn more dietary and body fat than they’re used to. During this adjustment period, most people experience the “keto flu”, and feel not-so-great. After the keto flu is over, the dieter is better able to use their own body fat.
During a fast, you will experience the exact same keto flu, except it will be significantly more disabling because you’ll have absolutely no calories coming in to convert into glucose. By getting into ketosis first, you essentially prime your body to burn fat and are able to avoid the worst side effects of fasting. In addition to this, you’re able to fast for less time before imparting the desired effect covered below because you’ll already have burned through most of your stored glucose called glycogen.
Step 3 – Post-fast diet
Break the fast with and stick to a paleo-esque diet that’s high in protein and carbs. Excess protein bolsters white blood cell production. Studies show glucose from carbs help fend off viruses. Think meat, eggs, broccoli, carrot, potatoes. Supplement whey protein. Get at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day.
Now that you have fasted for two to four days, it’s time to break the fast with a specific diet that’s geared to bolster your immune system. This diet has a few components; healthy foods, high (whey) protein and moderate carbohydrate. There is an important reason behind each component.
Healthy Food – The goal here is just to make sure you’re getting all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to enhance immunity, while avoiding foods that are outright stressful for it. For simplicity, easiness of adherence, and bountiful resources, stick to a Paleo-esque diet. If you consume broccoli, carrots, potatoes, eggs and steak everyday, you’ll be getting everything you need, so they’re a good starting point.
Protein – Consume lots of protein, preferably from whey protein, in addition to your healthy diet. Protein comprises the building blocks for every cell in your body — including your white blood cells. The more protein you have in excess of the minimum amount your body needs, the more is available to build white blood cells, strengthening your immune system. The standard American diet often is lacking in protein. Take whey protein, since it’s easy to consume, and appears to bolster glutathione production, which directly inhibits viral infections. “Glutathione has been reported to block replication of HIV, HSV-1, and influenza virus.” Aim for at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. e.g. 200 lb = 200 grams of protein per day.
Carbohydrates – Yale conducted a study that tested the old adage “Starve a fever, feed a cold” and found interesting results. As it turns out, the adage is true to a certain extent and provides a clue to help fight off HPV. They infected mice with either a bacteria, or a virus. They then had each group either fast, or eat food. The mice that ate survived the viral infection, but died in the bacterial infection. And visa versa for the fasting group. Yale researchers speculate that having glucose available bolsters the immune system in a way that’s more productive for defeating viruses.
Step 4 – Immune boosting
After the fast, boost your immune system with Groprinosin (Inosine Pranobex) or medical mushrooms (3 grams Turkey Tail Extract, 3 grams Reishi Extract). Both are available on Amazon. Inosine is better than mushrooms. Instructions for use here. Mushrooms should be extracts. Read the comments as they’re often faked.
There are a massive number of products on the market aimed at bolstering your immune system. Most of them are a waste of money, especially when it comes to a viral infection like HPV. The ones listed here are the absolute best and have actual scientific backing regarding their efficacy in HPV infections. Once you’ve completed your fast and refeed, start with these.
Inosine Pranobex – This is by far the strongest immune booster you’ll be able to get your hands on. Inosine Pranobex, combined with a topical treatment, cleared 94% of HPV infections and lowered recurrences. This medication is not used or prescribed in the United States, but can be purchased easily on Ebay and Amazon under the name “Groprinosin”. Members of the HPV Sub-Reddit have successfully purchased these and it appears shipping to the US take 1-4 weeks. Instructions for use here. You’ll need 4 boxes for a complete course.
Medicinal Mushrooms – Reishi and Turkey Tail, have been implicated in speeding up the clearance of HPV. This study found an 88% clearance rate after only 2 months of taking these two medicinal mushrooms. You can find them on Amazon or Ebay and will want to use an extract that’s from the fruiting body of the mushrooms. They’re one of the most faked products on the market, so read reviews and do your due-diligence before purchasing. 3 grams a day of each appears to be a good dosage.
AHCC – You may run into the mushroom extract called “AHCC” that many websites ran a clickbait article on saying it’s the cure for HPV. In reality, it has weaker evidence than the options listed above. It’s had only one study with a small sample size of 6 people and 66% clearance after 6 months. That’s not much better than the body naturally clears HPV without supplementation. This product will cost you ~$100 a month to take, which is significantly more expensive than Reishi & Turkey Tail.
Herbs etc. – Products containing herbs like echinacea, oregano, red algae, etc. do not have solid medical backing. This doesn’t mean they’re entirely ineffective, you’re just better off spending your money on Inosine Pranobex or medicinal mushrooms, which have shown efficacy with HPV specifically.
Step 5 – Topical treatment
Choose a topical treatment to use combined with the immune booster for significantly greater efficacy. Read below for which to choose.
Warts are often able to evade the immune system due to their location. The top layers of skin don’t have a ton of blood flow, and as a result, white blood cells may not be alerted to the warts presence. In order to sound the alarm, topical treatments are used. Some of them are destructive to tissue, which causes white blood cells to rush to the wart, hopefully finding the virus and also causing dead skin to slough off. Others have anti-viral properties in and of themselves.
Podophyllin – This is a resin derived from the Mandrake plant that contains virus destroying chemicals. The one that’s useful in destroying HPV tissue is Podophyllotoxin. This substance is generally not used anymore. Instead Podofilox is, as it’s safer and slightly more effective. The only benefit to using Podophyllin over Podofilox is that it can be found on Ebay for extremely cheap. Some use “tiny pinpoint speculums” found on Amazon to target only wart tissue, and q-tips to mop up the excess inside the speculum before lifting it. This leaves the resin only on the wart and not on surrounding skin. This substance can kill or seriously hurt you if used incorrectly or ingested. Do not even consider using this unless you do your due diligence in learning to apply it and have no other option. It should only be applied to the wart and not the surrounding skin. It is recommended only a medical professional applies this to warts. You’ve been warned.
Podofilox (Condylox)Â – This prescription-only cream destroys the viral infection inside the wart with the active chemical Podophyllotoxin. Podofilox can be used at home without medical supervision.
Imiquimod (Aldara, Zyclara) – This prescription-only cream appears to create a local immune response that speeds the immune system finding the virus.
Cryotherapy – Liquid nitrogen is applied to the wart and surrounding tissue. A blister forms and the wart sloughs off. Downside is scarring is much more likely with this method. Do not use at home wart kits from the drug store on your genitals. They do not freeze as cold or have the precision of a professional kit.
Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) – This is an acid that literally burns the wart tissue off. This can be found on Amazon/Ebay. Extreme caution should be applied if you consider doing this at home. Do your due-diligence.Â
Step 6 – Lifestyle modification
Avoid stress. Skip or severely limit alcohol. Stop smoking weed. Don’t shave, pluck or epilate until you’re 100% sure the infection has been cleared.
Stress – Stress is the enemy when it comes to strengthening your immune system. Stress-reducing techniques are beyond the scope of this article, but there are plenty of resources out there.
Alcohol – Drinking has been clearly linked to persistent HPV and anogenital wart infections. You’re best off quitting drinking altogether while clearing an HPV infection. Remember, it’s not forever.
Marijuana – Marijuana has been directly implicated in preventing HPV clearance. This case study found that a 22-year-old male was unable to clear his HPV until cessation of marijuana. This study suggests marijuana may be positively associated with HPV risk due to the immunomodulatory effects of cannibinoids. And finally a host of studies have found that marijuana generally can impair the immune system. For instance this one with HIV which is relevant as it’s viral.
Shaving – Do not shave while you have an active condyloma infection.Shaving can spread bits of skin and autoinoculate more warts around your body. Tons of anecdotes have provided this as a common experience. The HPV virus hides in hair follicles also, so you cannot reuse an epilator or tweeze either.
Step 7 – The endgame
After 3 months with no recurrences, you’re most likely in the clear.
Is it permanent? – Studies have showed that once it is cleared, it’s usually entirely undetectable. This could mean it’s dormant or that it’s been destroyed entirely. It’s a good idea to keep up the extra-healthy living for a few months after getting rid of visible warts.
Should I tell future partners? – It’s a tricky situation deciding if you’d like to disclose to future partners. Nearly 90% of people have an active infection, but they’re not all wart-causing strains. Once your HPV is considered cleared, it’s undetectable. At this point the odds of spreading anything are low. The hard part is knowing when you’ve truly “cleared” the infection. After 3 months without recurrences, you can generally consider yourself cured. Women can get an HPV test in addition to waiting 3 months to see if the virus has cleared.